- 7-15-2024 Rick Aramburu with TJ and Sally
- 7-21-2024 SaveBothell with TJ and Sally
- 7-26-2024 Dianne Conway with TJ and Sally
We will keep you posted as this moves forward, a press release will be going out on Monday 4/29, so you may read or hear about this in the local news.
For more information on the wetland monitoring requirements in WA State, here’s the link
Wetland Hydroperiod Protection (wa.gov)
The Eastglen HOA Board was provided a report, request on behalf of William Lider PE, Lider Engineering
It contained information regarding our neighborhood’s extensive, high value wetlands that are down slope of the Northpoint project and expressed concerns that the Northpoint project current design proposal may adversely affect, damage these wetlands by diverting stormwater runoff. It further detailed and sited Snohomish County’s 2021 Drainage Manual, Minimum Requirement 8: Wetlands Protection that outlined two methods to help assure that downslope wetland hydroperiods are protected. Of the two methods, Method 1 was considered to be far superior to Method 2 in determining and addressing wetland impacts. The Eastglen HOA Board majority approved that this Method 1 recommendation and details be submitted to Snohomish County while respectfully requesting that they require Northpoint to use Method 1 to evaluate impacts to our associated wetlands. Jay Harmon, President Eastglen HOA executed this in sending a detailed email request to Joshua.Machen@co.snohomish.wa.us
The Eastglen HOA board previously provided permission for Northpoint to take small soil sample(s) from a downstream area for testing, and informed Snohomish County we would highly consider additional, future Northpoint access to our associated wetlands for further hydroperiod monitoring purposes to help demonstrate that there are/will be no adverse impacts to these wetlands.
Snohomish County’s 2021 Drainage Manual, Minimum Requirement 8: Wetlands Protection provides two methods to help assure that downslope wetland hydroperiods are protected, stating in part:
Wetland Hydroperiod Protection
Wetland Hydroperiod Protection includes measures to avoid excessive hydrologic alteration of existing wetlands from development. There are two methods within Wetland Hydroperiod Protection:
- Method 1: Monitoring and Wetland Stage Modeling
This method requires data collection specific to the wetland, as well as continuous simulation modeling to demonstrate that the proposed project will not negatively alter the wetland hydrology.
- Method 2: Site Discharge Modeling
This method requires continuous simulation modeling of the runoff from the TDA to demonstrate that the changes in total discharge volume to the wetland will remain similar to the pre-development condition.
They have requested, and the Eastglen HOA board has given permission, to the following greenbelt/parcel, (attached pdf) in which they want a team to take small soil sample(s) from this downstream area for testing.
Johnny Sweeney I Economic Development Manager
4825 NW 41st Street, Suite 500 | Riverside, MO 64150
Initial information on the NP 228 project has been provided.
The initial phase of the project includes the installation of a Water Quality Treatment System on NP228 property along the east boundary of the following properties:
- Lot 27, Cheav Residence
- Lot 28, Ming Residence
- Lot 29, Cheng Residence
- Lot 30, Carranza-Erickson Residence
- Lot 31, Kino Residence
They have worked very closely with the neighbors identified above to address their questions regarding the project.
The next phase of the project will be the processing of permits for the construction of site improvement and apartment buildings on NP 228 property.
They also sent the following email notice out to the property owners that abut the ground water treatment facility and others along the common property boundary.
Please accept this email as a courtesy notice that NP Snohomish County 228th Apartments, LLC (NP228) will begin construction of the Groundwater Treatment System Facility on Tuesday September 7th, 2021. We appreciate all the time you have spent with us to date discussing the project. Thank you for all the time you have spent working with regarding this project. Should you have any further questions of comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Should any homeowners of our East Glen Homeowners community have any questions regarding the NP228 project = please do not hesitate to contact Patrick. They have expressed it is their objective to be a good neighbor, and look forward to working with us and our East Glen neighborhood community.